Online Consultations and Advice

Beauty all year round at Solea Beauty, even in lockdown!

Despite our current social distancing restrictions we are still able to offer you Virtual Skincare appointments. These are a great opportunity to discuss any skincare goals, spring clean your regime, learn how to apply a new product or perform a facial massage.

To schedule your Virtual Skincare consultation call 07510 597839 or email or book online below

You can either FaceTime, WhatsApp, Facebook Messanger Video, Skype or Zoom, whatever video method works for you.

Consultations will take place during business hours. Once the appointment has been set up, we will send you details and instructions of your call time.

Dominika Virtual Skincare

Solea Virtual Beauty Consultations

Virtual Skin Consultation
15 min phone consultation

▪ Skin consultation by our Dermalogica Expert and esthetician

▪ Your ultimate skin goals to be revealed

▪ Recommendations on bespoke skin journey including treatments and products

Virtual Skincare Check
45 min video consultation

▪ Skin consultation by our Dermalogica Expert and esthetician

▪ Your ultimate skin goals to be revealed

▪ Recommendations on bespoke skin journey including treatments and products

▪ Implement your at home bespoke routine

▪ Check up on your products including quantities used, methods of application and order of use

Virtual Skincare Workshop
60 min video consultation

▪ Skin consultation by our Dermalogica Expert and esthetician

▪ Your ultimate skin goals to be revealed

▪ Recommendations on bespoke skin journey including treatments and products

▪ Implement your at home bespoke routine

▪ Check up on your products including quantities used, methods of application and order of use

▪ Tutorial on product application

▪ Home facial massage tutorial

40 Days Virtual Skin Health Programme


Following the success of our #forty4forty programme I am pleased to launch a new virtual programme, the 40 Days Virtual Skin Health Programme.

It takes 21 days to built a habit and in this plan I not only want to help you to built the habit of looking after your skin but I also  want to reinforce that habit by keeping your accountable for 42 days and give you all my support and knowlege.

  • A thorough online consultation via Zoom, Whatsapp, Skype, FaceTime or FB Messanger Video where we will discuss any skin issues, examine your lifestyle and establish your skin goals
  • I will design a bespoke skincare routine to help you achieve your skin goals
  • You wll receive a video guide which will introduce all the products used in your bespoke skincare routine with instructions on how to use the products to deliver the best results
  • At the end of 40 days we will check on on your progress and discuss your onward skin journey
  • As an extra bonus you will be added to an educational FaceBook or Whatsapp goup to support on during the programme

40 Day Programme Cost £99

Book Now